ATP Liposomes (Control)

Catalog NumberBL-000064
DescriptionEncapsulation of ATP in liposomes can significantly improve its effectiveness, by preventing extracellular enzyme hydrolysis, increasing ATP cycle time and enhancing its intracellular permeability.
AppearanceWhite lyophilized powder (non-fluorescent ATP proliposomes); Fluorescent liposomes will form a colored powder, depending on the color of the fluorescent dye.
Shelf LifeIt is recommended to use the product within 9 months after the production date.
StorageShould be kept at -40 °C or -80 °C
ShippingShipped on dry ice at -78.5°C in insulated packages
Lipid CompositionEmpty lyophilized liposomes (without ATP) for control
Mean Particle Size100 nm
BufferPhosphate buffered saline
NoteLiposomes are formed by adding water to liposomes. Due to the rapid hydrolysis of ATP, these liposomes should be used immediately.

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