ATP Liposomes 3 (DOPC : DOPE : Chol)

Catalog NumberBL-000063
DescriptionEncapsulation of ATP in liposomes can significantly improve its effectiveness, by preventing extracellular enzyme hydrolysis, increasing ATP cycle time and enhancing its intracellular permeability.
AppearanceWhite lyophilized powder (non-fluorescent ATP proliposomes); Fluorescent liposomes will form a colored powder, depending on the color of the fluorescent dye.
Shelf LifeIt is recommended to use the product within 8 months after the production date.
StorageShould be kept at -40 °C or -80 °C
ShippingShipped on dry ice at -78.5°C in insulated packages
Lipid CompositionDOCP:DOPE:Chol (50:30:20 mol/mol/mol); Total Lipid: Total ATP (1.5: 0.5 µmol)
Mean Particle Size100 nm
BufferPhosphate buffered saline
NoteLiposomes are formed by adding water to liposomes. Due to the rapid hydrolysis of ATP, these liposomes should be used immediately.

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